marvin gaye,yasiin bey, Amerigo Gazaway, yasiin gaye, soul mates

Simply for clicking into this post, I thank you off the bat for being interested in real Hip Hop. If you recall, last month we posted Amerigo Gazaway‘s project, Yasiin Gaye – The Departure (Side One) where the blend king mashed Yasiin Bey with Marvin Gaye and it was just as awesome as it sounds. Side 2 will be out soon, but today we’re here to present a new video from the first half – Ms. Fat Booty (Soul Mates Remix).

As stated in the tape’s original post, blending is a lot art and, to be honest, it’s a rarity if I find someone who’s work I approve of in that field. Amerigo, on the other hand, is in his own category. Even the video itself for this track is a blend between old Marvin cuts and classic Mos footage. Beautiful. watch and enjoy, below.

Matt Whitlock – @mattwhitlockPM