
Apparently, it’s cool to willingly add time to your sentence helping your homeboy escape–meanwhile, that fool is long gone, and you’re still there! *Kanye shrug.* To each his own.

Derrick Estell, 33, an inmate at Garland County Jail in Arkansas decided he had enough and made a run for it. Estell escaped from the prison Sunday morning while the security guard he snuck by was distracted by an accomplice. In the video, he stages a phone call, dashes, wiggles through (what looks to be) a check-in window, and FLEES!

You can’t help but wish there was audio to accompany this hilarious video. The people patiently waiting in the lobby are in such a state of shock. No movement was made after the sight of Estell’s finger came through that window.

He definitely had been pacing in his cell, preparing for the moment he’d be able to showcase the fact that he could confidently sprint a 4.2, leaving 5-0 in his dust.

Police say that Estell sped away in a car that was waiting for his arrival in an alley.

Meanwhile, William Harding, 58, the aid in Estell’s escape is in custody. This whole story is just, funny! But sad, nonetheless. Right now, somewhere a fugitive is freely running the streets.

-A. Retina Stewart