Ray J takes shots at Kanye West in new TMZ video
Ray J doesn’t seem to suffer from the same paparazzi issues that Kanye West repeatedly shows symptoms of having. Last night, the “I Hit It First” singer chopped it up with his new friends at TMZ, as he was exiting the Tru Hollywood Nightclub. While the interaction was friendly, it was still very strange.

The clearly exicited and nearly out of breath singer, begins the conversation advocating for college. Stating that “I’m not watching anything. I’m only watching scholars go to college and get a good graduation,” because, as we are all too aware of, our community has been suffering from bad graduations for decades. Just last month, it was reported that one high school forced students to sit outside for hours–listing off the names of all the graduates. It was a nuisance.

Afterwards, Ray J takes a break from the conversation, by playfully wrestling with the paparazzo. It was a not too subtle shot at Kanye West, who got into an altercation with a member of the paparazzi on July 19th. It was a lighthearted moment that might have grave repercussions for the singer–once Yeezus catches wind of it. This is the second major shot Ray J has sent in Kanye West’s direction, because of his relationship with Kim Kardashian.

Will Kanye finally respond to Ray J? We’ll have to wait and see. Till then enjoy watching J’s antics below.

Jimi (@Nativejimi)