schoolboy q

Unfortunately, #TDEWeek has come to close, but they did leave us with some great parting gifts and treats this past week. Today’s might be the best tasting icing on the most delicious cake possible, a brand new visual. Stuff with enough beautiful women to create the world’s deadliest and enticing army on the planet, Schoolboy Q‘s “Man Of The Year” video is pretty magnificent; it will have you envious of his life or at least that day. If this is what comes with being Top Dawg‘s Man of the Year, you really don’t need GQ’s package.

This track continues Schoolboys recent Banger obsession, even though the video is so laid back. Oxymoron is already shaping up to be filled with a lot of high energy tracks, which is an exciting prospect. Look out for his debut studio album to hit store shelves on February 25th.

Jimi (@Nativejimi)