
Shot and Directed by Mr. Fili, Cane is cooking up a problem

Fresh off the release of his latest project, Lucid Dreams, Cane let’s loose of the visuals for his latest single “Problem” produced by Lou Burna.
From the jump, Cane steps right into the lab and formulates dangerous concoctions as if he were debuting his own role for the final season of Breaking Bad. These creations, laced with Cane’s sharp and venomous wordplay, take the Mister Fili directed spectacle from a FFx2 setting to a chopped and screwed, psychotropic experience before you even realize what hit you.

Cane’s hustle since Lucid Dreams has been infallible, shutting down back to back performances at the Live At The Grill Again events Friday and Saturday, the DMV native dropped his first video from the project last night.

The hype and support for Lucid Dreams continues on, check the latest achievement below.